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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan strategi penelolaan vocational life skills pada pendidikan Islam. pendidikan keterampilan dilatarbelakangi sebagai upaya pendidikan Islam dalam menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat yang menginginkan peserta didik tidak hanya memiliki kemampuan ilmu tetapi juga keterampilan untuk bekal hidup di masyarakat. Pengelola program pendidikan keterampilan pada pendidikan Islam mencakup aspek planning, implementing, and evaluating. a) Perencanaan program pendidikan keterampilan di Sekolah Islam meliputi pendidikan keterampilan yang akan dilaksanakan, mengadakan sosialisasi, menentukan tujuan, menyebar angket, menentukan waktu pelaksanaan, kurikulum pendidikan keterampilan pilihan, menyiapkan sarana prasarana. b) Pelaksanaan meliputi: menyeleksi dan memilih Pembina (tutor) untuk mengampu mata pelajaran pendidikan keterampilan, membuat modul pendidikan keterampilan terkait materi yang akan di ajarkan pada masing-masing guru Pembina. c) Adapun evaluasi, meliputi: penilaian terhadap program pendidikan keterampilan apakah sudah sesuai dengan target visi, misi dan tujuan melalui evaluasi persemester dilakukan oleh seluruh dewan guru bersama kepala sekolah dan evaluasi tahunan dilakukan kepala sekolah, komite madrasah.
Keywords: Vocational Life Skills, Strategi Pengelolaan, Pendidikan Islam
This study aim to describe management education program vocational skills at the Islamic schools. The background behind the education skills is an effort to Islamic schools in responding to the needs of people who want learners to have not only capabilityin science but also in skills for the provision of life in the community. The managements of skills education programs in Islamic schools are planning, implementing, and evaluating. a) Planning for skills education programs in Islamic schools includes skills education to be implemented, conducting socialization, determining goals, distributing questionnaires, determining the implementation time, selected skills education curriculum, preparing facilities, and infrastructure. b) Implementation includes: selecting and selecting coaches (tutors) to teach skills education subjects, making skills education modules related to the material to be taught to each coach teacher. c) The evaluation includes: an assessment of the skills education program whether it is in accordance with the target vision, mission, and objectives through a semester evaluation carried out by the entire teacher board together with the principal and an annual evaluation carried out by the principal, madrasah committee
Keywords: Vocational Life Skills, Management Strategies, Islamic Education
Article Details
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